
Friday, June 5, 2020

Bubble Acrostic Poem

Be safe in lockdown
Used my computer
Be awesome
Bubbles had to keep their distance
Listen to the government
Everyone had fun


  1. Kia ora Alexander,
    I'm Chrystelle from Waikowhai Primary School I really liked your Acrostic poem about lockdown and your bubble. I have done a few acrostic poems before. Maybe next time you could add a brief description about what you had to do before you had to write it. I enjoyed reading your poem , if you want to check out my blog here is the link


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
Encourage me to make another post